Firstly well done all you new mommy’s for getting through the most magical and yet stressful time in your life without the help of family and friends by your side!! I truly can’t imagine what that must be like. But you can do this, mommy’s will always soldier on <3
If you had already looked into booking a newborn photography session then you will probably know that the best time to get those beautiful curled up sleepy shots is within the first 2 weeks of babies life, i usually offer mine til baby is 4 weeks old.
So what happens if you missed this timeframe due to the current unprecedented situation we find ourselves in??
There are 2 options depending on when we can get up and running again.
1. Take babies images ASAP
Be that 6 weeks, 12 weeks or even 5 months old you can get beautiful images of your baby and even get a few smiles thrown in too!

Unfortunately we may not get those posed newborn shots and we will get less variation in images, but with their big wide eyes and beautiful smiles will still make for a stunning gallery and would still include parent, sibling and family photo’s as required.

2. Wait until baby is sitting confidently, around 6-9 months
I absolutely LOVE sitter sessions, it one of my favourite ages to photograph! Your tiny newborn is now a chunky baby, sat up all oh so very proud of themselves. There smiles and interaction melt my heart! I usually go with 2/3 set ups for sitters and have a range of vintage style outfits that you can use along with a collection of simple props.

Again sibling and family photo’s can be included if required and we would book in around baby’s nap times to make sure we capture your little one at their happiest!

Both of these sessions would be priced as ‘Sitter Sessions’ please check HERE for pricing. Make sure to like and follow my Facebook and Instagram pages for some great re-opening deals too!
If you would like to get in as ASAP once the restrictions are lifted then please get in touch by either using the contact page above or FB/ Instagram message to let me know babies details and I can add you to my priority list.
#Stayhome #Staysafe and look forward to seeing you all on the other side…
Trudy xx